Sunday, July 15, 2007

my new blog

Goodbye "pitterpatter." The name I really always wanted was "White Shoes" and I finally realized how to have that name! Click here for my new blog, simply the extension of this one.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

IllustrationFriday: Camouflage

Glad I brought these shades..... this just might work!
detail above, final pencil line below Digital mixed media. I start with a final pencil drawing. That is scanned in and layered on top of all colors with the multiply feature (PhotoShop). My color areas are meant to be a watercolory texture--they're actually all scanned fabrics except the fake flamingos also have a wood texture. This is my latest look to leave the white areas on some edges--it makes it *sparkle*.

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Wednesday, June 06, 2007

IllustrationFriday: MyParadise 2

You're thinking, Why is this your paradise? Let me explain: when I think of my paradise, I think of "Better is one day in the Lord's courts than a thousand elsewhere" in Psalm 84:10. That verse of Scripture continues, "I had rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than to dwell in the tents of wickedness." BUT in keeping with my vision of creating children's book illustrations, I made an illustration for the idea of being a doorkeeper! a detail: Besides, I am learning how to have more of a servant's heart. For "even the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve, and give His life as a ransom for many. (Matthew 20:28)" [my other "My Paradise" for I.F. is here]

Friday, June 01, 2007

IllustrationFriday: My Paradise

My family owns a real Paradise that words can't describe the depth of how special it is to me. I'm illustrating it by sharing some photos I've taken--hopefully you just enjoy looking at these, & imagining this, my "Camp." I'm itching to go, now that we're entering summertime!

Thursday, May 31, 2007

IllustrationFriday: Cars

one page from a (secret) book I'm working on. When I'm finally done I gotta try to get it published. here you can see some of the details of the photo textures I used.

Friday, May 11, 2007

IllustrationFriday: Citrus

One of my first digital mixed media illustrations, 2003. These are all photo textures I made and fit into my pencil drawing. A challenge was not relying on outlines, but on values instead.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

illustrationfriday: RED

This design for the word "Red" was an experiment in color and in a new style, just for fun. I like the look of block prints a lot so I recreated the look of one using marker. Here is an original marker drawing of the ruby red grapefruit square: I then scanned these in and played with them digitally to see different styles/feelings I could get with color differences. Here are some color options I came up with: After I brainstormed 9 different fruits and vegetables that are red, I liked them all together in a grid that I happened to make. Then the thing that I became most excited about was my idea to have each one a different variation of the hue "red." Each red piece of produce is, in reality, a different hue, plus I love color!